Information Technology
History & Evolution of Java
Java is a programming language and computing platform running on hundreds of millions of personal computers worldwide and billions of devices across the globe including mobile devices and televisions. If you own a computer, smart phone or other device, chances are you’ve interacted with some form of Java. Designed to be less complicated than many of its predecessors, Java is easily accessible for most programmers and enables them to develop computer programs faster and easier than ever before.
As the number one development platform and the number one language used for enterprise programming and development, Java training offers students the opportunity to learn the universal Java programming language and technology in order to develop robust programs and applications quickly and efficiently using any platform. In fact, the Java platform can be used with many software applications including all Windows versions, Solaris, Unix open source operating systems and the Apple operating software as well as most Web browsers allowing for great interaction and usability.
The History & Evolution of Java course takes students through the origins of the Java programming language. Students will explore how the Java programming language has evolved and examine how Java continues to change with new technology playing more and more roles in the latest applications and devices. Designed to provide a brief orientation on the origins of Java programming, students will come away with a comprehensive understanding of the context for Java’s initial release and evolution, its impact on computing to date, as well as implications for the future. Students will be introduced to the key players who contributed to the development of Java as well as the role of Java in the Open Source software movement. This history will surely provide the context and framework for understanding where Java programming came from and where it can go for the future.
The History & Evolution of Java 3.0 course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Describe the context of Java’s initial release and its evolution
- Describe Java’s impact on computing
- Identify the contributions by key individuals and groups toward Java’s development
- Explain Java’s rolein the Open Source software movement
- Describe Java’s role in cutting edge technologies