Where can we take you today?
Although the U.S. economy remains sluggish and the overall job market is improving only slowly, the demand for well-trained staff and professionals in high-demand fields is growing at a staggering rate. These factors have created enormous job opportunities for individuals trained in leading professions
- Do you need additional training and skills to advance in your current career?
- Does your organization need a consistent training partner to deliver innovative programs that meet the growing needs of your organization?
My Ed Today supports innovative programs – focusing on these simple objectives:
- Train students for entry-level jobs in growing fields
- Meet the training needs of local industry, employers and organizations in need of well-trained professionals
- Provide quality, best-in-class education products to support our clients throughout their careers
- Offer flexible, innovative and cost-effective delivery solutions to keep pace with today’s professionals
My Ed Today provides a trusted opportunity to pursue in demand workforce training and education programs through our partners nationwide. Whether you wish to pursue traditional classroom training or take advantage of our best-in-class, anywhere, anytime eLearning courses, My Ed Today can meet your specific needs. Programs from Business and Leadership training to IT and Software certification through Healthcare and Green Technology are right at your fingertips.
Note: All students must enroll through a My Ed Today college, university, or other educational institution partner.