
Criminal Justice & Law

Introduction to Corrections

The Introduction to Corrections course is aimed at students seeking entry-level positions in a corrections facility or those looking to advance their current career in this field. This course will ensure students have the opportunity to gain the necessary skills and expertise to excel in this rapidly growing and increasingly complex industry. Beyond just a cursory look into the corrections side of the criminal justice system, students will explore the purpose behind our corrections system alongside the implementation of successful criminal justice and its overall effects on the communities served and the individuals within it. Understanding the various challenges to rehabilitation, students will analyze the various techniques for housing various inmates, the legal rights they retain and the different implications of capital punishment from a federal and constitutional standpoint alongside the different state laws dictating the operations of various corrections institution depending on their location.

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Define terms related to corrections
  • Assess the purpose, implementation, and effectiveness of corrections
  • Trace the historical evolution of the correctional system
  • Examine the organization of corrections
  • Examine challenges faced by the correctional system
  • Compare and contrast the differences and similarities of the various clients of a correctional facility
  • Examine challenges faced by the correctional system
  • Analyze prison life and the effects it can have on individuals and society
  • Appraise the legal rights of inmates and the use of capital punishment

This class includes the following eText:
Seiter. (2011). Corrections: An Introduction; 3/E; ISBN: 0135060826

This course does not include tutoring.

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