
Assisted Living Technician

Assisted Living Technician

The Assisted Living Technician Profession

Assisted living is for the adult who needs help with everyday tasks, but desires to live somewhat independently and does not need full-time nursing care. They may require various levels of help in dressing, bathing, eating, toileting, or ambulation/transportation to other areas. Many assisted living facilities are part of retirement communities or a senior housing complex, and may be in close proximity to or even a part of a nursing home or a long-term care facility with full-time nursing care if the patient needs this level at some point. The Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests Assisted Living is projected to be one of the fastest growing areas for employment through 2018. Numerous job openings with excellent opportunities are expected.

The Assisted Living Technician Program

This comprehensive program prepares students for a position as an Assisted Living Technician. Emphasis is on providing care to clients living in retirement communities or senior housing complexes where full-time care may not be required, but an understanding and professional staff is necessary to be there for them when needed. This course covers the following key areas and topics:

  • An overview of the Assisted Living Technician profession
  • Skills needed to work with clients in senior housing or retirement communities
  • Preparation to provide care with compassion, sensitivity, and understanding
  • Preparation to provide a variety of essential services for clients
  • Overview of the assisted living environment

Education and Certification

  • Students should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.
  • National certification is available for students who complete this course including National Healthcareer Association (NHA) Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) Exam
  • State approval and/or state requirements associated with this program varies by state

Detailed Course Topics Covered

  • Describe long-term care in terms of the target populations, environment, care options, general costs, services, and regulations
  • Describe the physiological, psychological, and sociological changes related to aging
  • Describe memory care needs and options for individuals with diseases and disorders
  • Explain proper procedures for infection control in a home or residential environment
  • Perform basic housekeeping procedures and safety for residents, staff, and visitors
  • Explain procedures and strategies for planning, purchasing, and serving food
  • Explain the proper procedures for safely assisting an individual in activities of daily living
  • Explain procedures involved in caring for individuals with special needs such as cancer, immunosuppressive disorders, mental health issues, substance abuse
  • Describe effective and appropriate care of an individual who is dying
  • Explain rehabilitative therapies for individuals in a residential environment
  • Explain how to assist individuals in a home or residential environment
  • Explain common preoperative and postoperative care procedures

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