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Kellie Koons
Office Associate for Continuing Education & Business Services
Hagerstown Community College
Career Programs Building
11400 Robinwood Drive
Room 221-D
Hagerstown, MD 21742
Questions: 240.500.2480
Registration: 240.500.2236
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We offer leading workforce education and training programs to students, professionals, trade organizations and employers by providing best-in-class eLearning courses, externship opportunities and related support services.
Through engaging online eLearning programs coupled with one-on-one student support, both new students and seasoned professionals have the ability to complete comprehensive courses in high-demand disciplines and related certifications in every field. Our courses bring together insightful and compelling content presentations as well as constructive exercises and challenging knowledge checks to create an enriching, successful learning experience for students at all levels.
Click “See the Courses” in each section below to see our full list of courses.
As the healthcare industry evolves, certification in various fields is becoming more and more imperative. Healthcare professionals at all levels – whether new entrants to the field or seasoned professionals – require training and certification in order to ensure they have the most up-to-date skills in the latest healthcare technologies and for employers to ensure their staff have been successfully evaluated by an independent certifying body. Our best-in-class Healthcare Certification Programs prepare students not only for work in these fields so they’ll be ready from day one on the job, but also ensure they have the study tips, practice tests and course materials necessary for success on the certification exams. With an extensive catalog of Healthcare Certification Programs aimed at both novices and trained professionals, these courses can help ensure you have the credentials necessary for the future of healthcare delivery. See the Courses…
- Clinical responsibilities of the medical office – assisting the physician with patient related care
- Preparing patients for examination and treatment, routine procedures and diagnostic testing
- HIPAA, patient confidentiality, legal aspects of healthcare and regulatory patient care issues
- Recording and taking of vital signs, blood pressure, and other patient care items related to the physician office visit
- Review and administration of medications, allergies and other pharmacology related items
- Laboratory procedures, phlebotomy and the proper techniques required to collect specimens for laboratory analysis
- Cardiology and the proper placement of leads when taking a 12 lead EKG
Education and Certification
- Clinical Medical Assistants should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.
- Students who complete this comprehensive course would be prepared to sit for the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) national certification examination.
- In addition to facilitating entry-level clinical medical assisting related positions, this course is ideal for students interested in pursuing a future formal Certified Medical Assistant (CMA), Nursing (LPN) or a Nursing (RN) program.
Detailed Course Topics Covered
- Responsibilities of the clinical medical assistant and introduction to healthcare facilities
- Medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, circulation of the heart and blood vessels
- Care & safety of patients, medical & legal aspects of care, confidentiality and HIPAA
- Effective verbal and non-verbal communication, interpersonal skills and human behavior
- Aseptic techniques, infection prevention, universal precautions, proper use and disposal of biohazards and sharps
- Documenting patient medical histories, updating patient medical files, vital signs and documentation
- Appling sterile dressings, preparing patients for x-rays, performing various injections, administering oral medications, instructing patients on the proper usage of medications
- Phlebotomy, venipunctures and capillary sampling, collecting specimens and point of care testing
- Performing 12 lead EKGs and EKG strip analysis (P,Q,R,S,T wave form)
Student Tuition: $2,499
This course covers the following key areas and topics:
- Importance of the medical record as a legal document
- The effect of confidential communication laws on the release of medical information and HIPAA
- Provides a “real life” EH R experience using Medcin software to perform health information tasks
- Shills required to use and EH R to manage patient visit information including the examination, assessment notes and treatment plans.
- Importance of data accuracy, consistency, completeness, and security of information
- Basic code set principles and their applications with an emphasis on the ambulatory/outpatient setting and an introduction to inpatient medical records.
Education and Certification
- Electronic Health Records Management professionals should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.
- Students who complete this comprehensive course would be prepared to sit for the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) Certified Electronic Health Record Specialist (CEHRS) exam.
Detailed Course Topics Covered
- Overview of various healthcare delivery systems with an emphasis on content and documentation requirements of the health record in various healthcare settings
- Designed to provide students with “real life” computer experience using Medcin software and performing tasks in health information departments. Tasks include admission procedures, information retention and retrieval, data entry, chart assembly, data collection, abstracting, code sets, and the release of information
- Structural components of the interactive EH R and how it supports communication and continuity of care including clinical standards such as SNOWMED CT, LOINC, and UMLS
- Perspective on how the EH R impacts work and workflow.
- Importance of the medical record as a legal document and the effect of confidential communication laws on the release of medical information such as protected health information and HIPAA
- The legal procedures involved in court disclosure of medical records
- Tasks include admission procedures, information retention and retrieval, data entry, chart assembly, data collection, code sets, and the release of information
Student Tuition: $1,299
The Medical Billing & Coding Program
This billing and coding program delivers the skills students need to solve insurance billing and coding problems. It details proper assignment of codes and the process to file claims for reimbursement. This course covers the following key areas and topics
- An overview of healthcare and the insurance industry
- The organization and use of the ICD-9-CM, CPT, and HCPCS manuals to identify correct codes
- Detailed review and practice using the alphabetic index and tabular list of the ICD-9-CM
- Detailed review and practice coding examples from all sections within the CPT
- Basic claims processes for medical insurance and third-party reimbursements
- Completing common insurance forms, tracing delinquent claims, and appealing denied claims
Education and Certification
- Students should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.
- Numerous national certification exams are available for students who complete this course including American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), American Health Information Association (AHIMA) and others.
- Certain national certification organizations suggest 6 months to 2 years of practical work experience prior to pursuing certain national certification exams.
Detailed Course Topics Covered
- Introduction to International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modifications, Coding Guidelines
- Introduction to the organization and use of the ICD-9-CM and CPT manuals
- Basics of diagnostic and procedural coding
- The Health Insurance Claim Form (CMS 1500)
- HIPAA and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Review and practice coding evaluation and Management (E&M) services
- Review and practice coding from anesthesia, surgery, radiology, medicine, and the pathology/laboratory sections of the CPT
- CPT Modifiers, E and V Codes, and Late Effects
- Coding surgical procedures of the integumentary system
- Coding surgical and medical procedures of the cardiovascular system
- Coding procedures related to the female genital system and maternity care and delivery
- Coding for general surgery, radiology, pathology and laboratory services
- Coding for diagnostic and therapeutic services and the Level II National Codes
- Tracing delinquent claims and insurance problem solving
- Third-party reimbursement issues
Student Tuition: $1,399
The Medical Coding ICD-10 Program
Medical coding professionals keep records, calculate patient charges, and review files. This Medical Coding ICD-10 course reviews key elements of the changes from ICD-9 to ICD-10 and examines the impact of this change on the U.S. healthcare system. This course covers the following key areas and topics:
- Detailed reviews of both ICD-10 (diagnostic coding) and ICD-10-PCS (inpatient procedural coding system)
- Differences between ICD-9 and ICD-10
- Issues relating to federal regulation and compliance
- Various issues surrounding the implementation of ICD-10
Education and Certification
- Students should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.
- Certain National Medical Coding Certification exams are very complex and may require 6 months to 2 years of suggested practical coding experience prior to being eligible for the exam or being recognized as a certified medical coding professional.
Detailed Course Topics Covered
- A review of ICD-10
- Purpose of ICD-10
- Reimbursement process
- Federal regulation and compliance
- Transition process
- Diagnosis coding in the ICD-10
- Comparison between ICD-10 and ICD-9
- Using the ICD-10 manual
- Using the ICD-10-PCS manual for hospital procedure coding
- ICD-10 in day-to-day operations
- Coding from chart notes
- Coding from operative reports
- Functions, processes, and procedures of diagnostic coding
- Procedural coding
- Analysis of electronic coding tools
- Practice coding for a variety of purposes and settings
- Examination of the future of coding
Student Tuition: $1,299
Medical Terminology Program
This course covers the following key areas and topics
- Skills for identifying, spelling, and analyzing medical terms
- Word structure including root words, prefixes, combining forms, and suffixes
- Review of major medical specialties and associated body systems
- Introductory anatomy and physiology and common pathologies
- Major drug classifications, diagnostic tests, and treatment procedures
- Medical abbreviations and symbols
Detailed Course Topics Covered
- Basic skills for building and analyzing medical terms
- The use of word roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes
- Anatomical terminology
- Introduction to the major medical specialties
- Anatomy and physiology of body systems
- Medical terms aligned to the organs and tissues of the body and their function in health and disease
- Pronunciation of terms
- Spelling of terms
- Practice analyzing, pronouncing, and spelling terms related to anatomy and physiology
- Practice analyzing, pronouncing, and spelling medical terms containing diagnostic and procedural suffixes
- Practice deciphering medical terminology as written in case reports
- Major classes of drugs and associated medical terms
- Diagnostic tests and procedures organized by body system
- Medical abbreviations and symbols
Student Tuition: $499
The EKG Technician Program
This EKG Technician program prepares students to function as EKG technicians. This course covers the following key areas and topics
- Detailed anatomy and physiology of the heart
- Medical disease processes and terminology
- Medical ethics and legal aspects of patient contact
- Electrocardiography and echocardiography
- An introduction to the components, function, and proper use of the EKG machine
- The normal anatomy of the chest wall for proper lead placement
- 12-lead placement and other practices
Education and Certification
- EKG Technicians should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.
- There are several EKG technician national certification exams that are available to students.
Detailed Course Topics Covered
- Role of the EKG technician
- Function of the EKG department in a variety of settings (hospital, clinic, office, mobile service)
- Medical terminology related to electrocardiography
- Care and safety of patients including medical and legal aspects of patient care
- Anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system
- Electrophysiology, the conduction system of the heart, and the cardiac cycle
- Circulation of blood through the heart and vessels
- Lead placement for 12-lead electrocardiography
- Basic EKG interpretation of normal rhythms and arrhythmias
- EKG troubleshooting including recognizing artifacts
- Waves and measurements
- EKG strip analysis (P,Q,R,S,T wave-form interpretation)
- Identification of rhythms using the 12-lead EKG
- Pacemakers
- Holter monitoring and the echocardiogram
Student Tuition: $1,299
The ECG for Nurses course will address the following primary objectives:
- Cardiac anatomy and physiology
- Electrical basis of ECGs
- Sinus dysrhythmias
- Atrial dysrhythmias
- Junctional dysrhythmias
- Cardiac conduction block dysrhythmias
- Ventricular dysrhythmias
- Changes associated with myocardial ischemia and necrosis
- ECG changes associated with artificial pacemakers
Student Tuition: $699
The Medical Administrative Assistant Program
This program prepares students to function effectively in many of the administrative and clerical positions in the healthcare industry. It provides students a well-rounded introduction to medical administration that delivers the skills students require to obtain an administrative medical assistant position or advance within current their healthcare career. This course covers the following key areas and topics
- History and background of the medical assisting profession
- Interpersonal skills, medical ethics, and basic medical law
- Telephone techniques and skills for scheduling appointments
- Medical terminology
- Basics of insurance billing and coding
- Medical records management and management of practice finances
Education and Certification
- Medical administrative assistants should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.
- Several national certification options are available to student who complete this course.
- This course is not intended to meet the requirements of a Certified Medical Assistant program, which typically requires 1 to 2 years of classroom study.
Detailed Course Topics Covered
- An overview of the healthcare industry and expectations for a healthcare professional
- Role of the medical administrative assistant
- History of medicine, medicine and the law, medical malpractice, medical ethics, and medical practice specialties
- Ethical and legal issues, fraud abuse, and compliance
- Office and patient communication techniques, appointment scheduling, general office duties
- Technology in the healthcare environment
- Basic terminology used in the medical office
- Medical records management, confidentiality of the medical record, initiating a medical record for a new client, filing reports in the medical record
- HIPAA review and patient bill of rights and confidentiality
- Financial and practice management
- Health insurance coverage, and billing and coding procedures
- Professional fees, billing and collecting procedures, accounting systems, credit arrangements
- Medical accounting, financial statements, cost analysis, and budgets for the medical practice
- Specimen collection, laboratory safety, federal and state regulations
- Assisting with medical emergencies
- Career development
Student Tuition: $1,299
The Certified Professional Healthcare Compliance Officer course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Demonstrate understanding of the OIG Compliance Guidance for Individual and Small Group Physician Practices, Clinical Laboratories, and Third Party Billing Companies;
- Demonstrate knowledge of compliance program effectiveness techniques;
- Demonstrate understanding of key healthcare fraud and abuse laws, including the False Claims Act, Stark Laws, and Anti-Kickback Statute, including the associated penalties;
- Demonstrate understanding of how the PPACA will affect medical practices;
- Demonstrate knowledge of other laws and regulations, including HIPAA, EMTALA, and CLIA;
- Demonstrate understanding of how to handle investigations, including self-disclosure protocols;
- Demonstrate knowledge of requirements under Corporate Integrity Agreements (CIAs) and Certificate of Compliance Agreements (CCAs);
- Demonstrate understanding of current investigative activities (RACs, ZPICs, MFCUs); and
- Demonstrate understanding of various risk areas, including items such as gifts/gratuities, conflicts of interest, use of Advance Beneficiary Notices, teaching physician’s guidelines, and incident to services.
Student Tuition: $429
The Certified Professional Medical Auditor course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Explain the structure, composition, and organization of medical records according to government standards;
- Describe coding and documentation guidelines, including regulatory control and compliance issues when auditing;
- Explain the concepts and theories of coding as related to auditing and reimbursement;
- Analyze the documentation auditing process;
- Apply auditing guidelines for evaluation, management, surgical, physical therapy, radiology, psychiatric, hematological, oncological, and infusion services; and
- Explain what is audited, the methods of reporting an audit, and ways to present the findings.
Student Tuition: $549
The healthcare industry is changing at a rapid pace. Education and certification requirements on both new and existing roles necessitates the ability to learn time-trusted concepts by utilizing and accessing the medical innovations of today. These courses are here to provide students with the necessary skills and support to meet these growing needs. Offering an extensive catalog of Healthcare Certification Programs aimed at both new entrants to the field and trained professionals, these courses can help ensure you have the skills necessary for the future of healthcare delivery. See the Courses…
The Cultural Competence for Healthcare Providers course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Identify local population demographics and health disparities that affect them
- Define culturally competent care and the importance of providing such care
- Identify and discuss the influence of one’s own cultural values, biases, and assumptions on providing care
- Discuss ways to limit the impact of one’s personal biases when interacting with customers/patients
- Describe communication barriers between patients and staff and ways to communicate effectively during a cross-cultural medical encounter
- Discuss cultural perspectives on health and medicine among customers/patients, and implications for providers and Healthcare staff
Student Tuition: $259
The Customer Service for Healthcare course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Define customer service in the healthcare industry
- Explain why customer service is important in healthcare
- Describe basic customer service rules for serving patients
- Articulate all forms of communication in the healthcare field
- Recognize best practices to resolve customer complaints or conflicts
- Explain how customer satisfaction is measured in healthcare
Student Tuition: $359
To address these challenges, the Healthcare Reform Perspectives course will offer students the opportunity to learn about the numerous challenges presented by this Healthcare reform legislation and gain an understanding of the law’s implications for Healthcare managers.
The Healthcare Reform Perspectives: Accountable Care Concepts for Managers course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Summarize the need/context for reform of the American Healthcare system
- Convey the four legislative policy principles which frame the law
- Describe the major programs/initiatives/changes in the American Healthcare system and their associated implementation time frames
- Explain a minimum of three implications for a manager following each lesson
- Determine appropriate resources for ongoing updates and information regarding Healthcare legislation
Student Tuition: $319
The Health Insurance I course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Describe the employment skills and requirements in the patient access career field
- Explain the history and types of health insurance available in the United States
- Identify types of managed care contracts and their purposes
- Describe the purpose and guidelines of diagnostic coding and how it affects the billing process
- Describe the purpose and guidelines of procedural coding and its importance in the billing cycle
Student Tuition: $469
The Health Insurance II course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Identify the correct information needed to prepare and transmit accurate, complete Healthcare claims
- Explain the rules for eligibility and claims processing for Medicare plans
- Explain the rules for eligibility and claims processing for Medicaid plans
- Describe the background and billing and reimbursement process for Tricare, workers’ compensation, disability, and Blue Cross
Student Tuition: $469
The HIPAA Privacy Rule Training for Healthcare Organizations course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Define HIPAA
- Explain the Privacy Rule
- Describe the HIPAA Security Rule
- Identify guidelines for protecting patient information
- Identify how HIPAA policy can be breached
- Define a covered entity
- Identify the entities affected by HIPAA
- Define HITECH
- Identify the safety measures that must be taken to protect electronic medical records
- Explain steps that office managers must take to ensure their agency is compliant with HIPAA
Student Tuition: $119
The Introduction to Medical Law & Ethics course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Analyze issues of law and ethics as related to Healthcare
- Determine the similarities and differences among legal, ethical, and moral issues in Healthcare
- Analyze the impact that local, state, and federal legislation have on practices found in Healthcare
- Compare the rights and responsibilities of various parties of the Healthcare system
- Analyze the importance of complying with laws that regulate the practice of Healthcare
Student Tuition: $299
Beyond basic mathematical instruction and review, students will be introduced to the three systems of measurement used to calculate dosages administered orally and intravenously. Students will also learn to use critical thinking skills and arithmetic to understand medication orders and use equipment for preparation, administration, and labeling of medications.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Analyze the use of medical mathematics in the healthcare system
- Compute number sentences using fractions, ratio and proportion, decimals and percentages
- Convert efficiently between fractions, ratio and proportion, decimals and percentages
- Compute solutions to problems and determine the reasonableness of an answer by relating them to the problem and using estimation
- Interpret metric measurements and household measurements as they relate to allied health occupations
- Use integers to evaluate algebraic expressions
- Convert between metric systems and between metric and household systems
Student Tuition: $269
The Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology course will familiarize students with the structures and functions of the human body. Anatomy describes the structures of the body – their scientific names, location, composition and associated structures – and offers a map of the human body for students. Physiology, on the other hand, studies the function of each structure, individuals and in combination with the other structures. As students examine each part of the body during this course, they’ll discover how Anatomy and Physiology always work together and will continually focus on both the structure and function of body.
The Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology course provides an overview of common medical terminology and presents the major anatomical structures of the human body systems. It also explores the basic physiological processes of each system, discussing how body systems work together. Finally, the course explores how each system participates in homeostasis of the body. Body systems discussed in this course include the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, male and female reproductive, digestive, respiratory, lymphatic, and urinary systems.
The Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Describe the organization of the human body
- Explain the contribution that each body system makes to homeostasis of the body
- Identify the major anatomical structures of each body system and their purposes
- Explain basic physiological processes in each of the body systems
Student Tuition: $279
Despite the evolution and expansion of medical terminology since its inception, the basis for medical terminology stems from basic roots that have remained the same throughout time. The majority of these terms originate from Latin or Greek with different suffixes or prefixes attached to the root words to alter their meanings and applications. Successful health professionals use this terminology reflexively and must have a firm grasp of these terms in order to make the split-second decisions or react quickly to immediate situations, communicating effectively with a whole medical team. Every health professional needs to understand medical terminology and this course is a great solution for anyone entering the field or looking to brush up on their understanding.
This course covers medical terminology, symbols and abbreviations, and the application of this new language in the field of Healthcare. While terms are covered as they relate to body structure and function, the main focus is on medical vocabulary and being able to construct terms using word parts such as roots, suffixes, and prefixes.
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Explain the importance of medical terminology when documenting and communicating patient information
- Identify the fundamental word structure of medical terminology and its component parts
- Analyze medical terminology based on word structure
- Describe the component parts that make up the body
- Define common medical terms and abbreviations
- Describe the organization and structure of the human body
- Build medical terminology related to body structures, functions, and disorders
- Describe medical terminology related to the integumentary system
- Describe medical terminology related to the musculoskeletal system
- Describe medical terminology related to the cardiovascular system
- Describe medical terminology related to the blood and the lymphatic system
- Describe medical terminology related to the respiratory system
- Describe medical terminology related to the gastrointestinal system
- Describe medical terminology related to the nervous system
- Describe medical terminology related to the eye and ear
- Describe medical terminology related to the endocrine system
- Describe medical terminology related to the male and female reproductive systems
- Describe medical terminology related to mental health
- Describe medical terminology employed in the specialties of cancer, radiology, and nuclear medicine
Student Tuition: $189
This course is meant to provide a survey of homeostasis of the body as well as the various structures and functions that keep it working. Body systems include the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, male and female reproductive, digestive, respiratory, lymphatic, and urinary systems. Intended as a survey course for certain allied health programs, this course is a great introduction to the healthcare fields and provides a significant foundation from which students can launch their allied health education. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify and describe the anatomy, and demonstrate an understanding of the physiology of the human body at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organ system levels.
The Survey of Anatomy & Physiology course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Describe the organization of the human body
- Describe the major anatomical structures and functions of each body system
- Explain the contribution that each body system makes to homeostasis of the body
Student Tuition: $199
For those new to the healthcare sector, the Introduction to Medical Law & Ethics course provides students with a broad understanding of the fundamental aspects of contemporary healthcare and law required to assist in overall patient care. This course provides an overview of the law and ethics a student should understand to help them provide competent and compassionate care to patients and their families, also touching on the ethical considerations and boundaries of life science related research. The course will provide guidance for students to help resolve many of the legal and ethical questions they might encounter as they enter the healthcare field as professionals. Designed as a fundamental and basic introduction to medical law and ethics, this course will introduce various issues that students can reasonably expect to deal with in a medical setting with an emphasis on implications and decision making for patients, physicians, medical assistants and other health professionals.
The Survey of Medical Law & Ethics course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Analyze issues of law and ethics as related to Healthcare
- Determine the similarities and differences among legal, ethical, and moral issues in Healthcare
- Analyze the impact that local, state, and federal legislation have on practices found in Healthcare
- Compare the rights and responsibilities of various parties of the Healthcare system
- Analyze the importance of complying with laws that regulate the practice of Healthcare
Student Tuition: $169
The Introduction to Pharmacology course will ensure students gain a fundamental understanding of classical pharmacology thereby increasing the overall quality of care to patients. This course will provide students with a broad understanding of drug effects on organ systems and drug use as clinical therapeutics. Students will be introduced to the mechanisms underlying the action of various classes of drugs and their receptor targets in the body. The course will also provide a general overview of some of the most widely used drugs and provide further insight into their therapeutic effects, adverse reaction, clinical indications and drug interactions.
The Introduction to Pharmacology course provides an overview of the principles and basics of pharmacology, including terminology, laws and ethics, and clinical concepts. Individuals will be presented with the basics of pharmaceutical arithmetic, including abbreviations, system conversions, and basic pharmaceutical problem solving. This course also introduces students to the principles of clinical application, including basic pharmacokinetics, dosage forms, and drug administration. Individuals will gain the basic knowledge and skills necessary to apply pharmacology to other disciplines of healthcare.
The Introduction to Pharmacology course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Apply mathematical concepts to the practice of pharmacology and dosage calculations
- Describe the regulations and standards in pharmacology
- Present a general knowledge of basic pharmacology terminology, concepts, and abbreviations
- Understand medication administration using the appropriate route and methods for the type of medication
Student Tuition: $299
The Survey of Pharmacology course offers students an overview of classical pharmacology, which is essential to ensure a knowledgeable staff across the healthcare field. This course will provide students with a basic understanding of drug effects on organ systems and general drug use. Students will also be introduced to the mechanisms underlying the action of various classes of drugs and their receptor targets in the body. The course will also provide a general overview of some of the most widely used drugs and provide further insight into their therapeutic effects, adverse reaction, clinical indications and drug interactions.
The Survey of Pharmacology course provides a primer to the principles and basics of pharmacology. This course introduces students to the principles of clinical application, including basic pharmacokinetics, dosage forms, and drug administration. Students will gain a brief introduction to the knowledge and skills necessary to apply pharmacology to other disciplines of Healthcare.
The Survey of Pharmacology course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Present a general knowledge of basic pharmacology terminology, concepts, and abbreviations
- Understand medication administration using the appropriate route and methods for the type of medication
Student Tuition: $199
Throughout the course, students will be introduced to the many roles and responsibilities encompassed by the Patient Access Services department in a hospital setting. Students will learn to perform functions essential to the Patient Access Specialist roles including admissions, registration, financial/insurance coverage counseling, pre-certification, patient relations, and scheduling as well as common techniques and methods for success across varying practices. Students will also learn about the delivery of the critical components of the revenue cycle and compliance issues with regulatory agencies. In addition, the course will provide students with an understanding of the role of correct patient identification practices in maintaining patient safety and the need for extraordinary customer service skills in difficult situations. Finally, students will gain the skills and knowledge required to sit for the Certified Healthcare Access Associate certification exam.
Audience: The target audience for the Patient Access Specialist course includes students who are new to the Healthcare field and wish to work in a front-line registration position in a hospital setting.
The Patient Access Specialist course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Explain the revenue cycle and the functions of a Patient Access Specialist
- Identify government and regulatory agency requirements applicable to the Patient Access Specialist position
- Describe how the measurement of performance, safety, and accuracy relates to the future development of an organization
- Explain the NAHAM (National Association of Healthcare Access Management) model and how it applies to the CHAA exam
Student Tuition: $479
Given the inherent nature and seriousness of the healthcare industry, it is expected that healthcare professionals maintain the utmost integrity and professionalism in dealing with patients, properly maintaining privacy standards and convey information to patients/clients in a way that is not only professional, but compassionate, understanding and, above all, informative. Healthcare professionals communicate important and complex information not only to fellow staff but to patients as well on a daily basis and must take into account the serious nature of the work they do and its effect on individual patients, families and other stakeholders. Maintaining the professionalism standards unique to the healthcare industry, in particular, will be absolutely vital for any healthcare career.
The Professionalism in Healthcare course provides students with a primer on professionalism in this unique industry. The course will address various elements inherent in professionalism to ensure students are ready to enter the professional workplace including etiquette, image, manners, communication (verbal, non-verbal and written), professional relationships, responsibility and accountability, respectfulness, privacy considerations and requirements as well as empathy, compassion and emotional maturity specific to the healthcare setting.
The Professionalism in Healthcare course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Describe the importance of professionalism in Healthcare and the characteristics of Healthcare professionals
- Discuss the importance of character, values, morals, ethics, and other personal traits at work
- Outline the elements of effective interpersonal relationships, teamwork, and working well with other people
- Discuss cultural competence and customer service as related to patient care
Student Tuition: $229
The Universal Precautions course provides training and information on the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard for individuals at risk of occupational exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). Exposure to blood and OPIM could result in transmission of bloodborne pathogens, which could lead to disease or death. This OSHA standard is a federal mandate requiring the use of Universal Precautions and other engineering and work practice controls to provide a safe workplace for employees. Precautions will vary for different areas within the healthcare space, however everyone should observe these basic safety precautions on the job to keep themselves and their coworkers safe.
The Universal Precautions course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Describe the importance of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
- Explain engineering controls and work practices that reduce the risk of exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials
- Hand Washing for prevention purposes
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
Student Tuition: $119
The Introduction to CPT/HCPCS Coding course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Describe how the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding and Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS) are used in medical billing
- Summarize the format and conventions in the CPT manual and RBRVS
- Use the guidelines found in the CPT manual
- Use CPT codes to bill for evaluation and management (E/M) services and procedures
- Use CPT codes to bill for anesthesia services and procedures
- Use CPT codes to bill for surgical services and procedures
- Use CPT codes to bill for radiological services and procedures
- Use CPT codes to bill for pathology and laboratory services and procedures
- Use CPT codes to bill for medicine services and procedures
- Use the Health Care Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) to bill for medical services and supplies
- Examine coding compliance laws, regulations and penalties
- Examine compliance measures for medical billing
Student Tuition: $399
The Introduction to CPT/HCPCS Coding course will address the following primary course objectives:
- Examine the purpose of audits in medical billing
- Use Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes to bill for various levels of evaluation and management (E/M) services
- Describe the guidelines pertaining to surgical coding
- Apply CPT coding to billing for procedures and services related to the integumentary and musculoskeltal systems
- Apply CPT coding to billing for procedures and services related to the respiratory, digestive, adn cardiovascular systems
- Apply CPT coding to billing for procedures and services related to genital systems and general surgery I and II
- Apply CPT coding to billing for procedures and services related to radiography
- Apply CPT coding to billing for pathology and laboratory procedures and services
- Apply CPT coding to billing for medicines
- Examine the HCPCS coding system
Student Tuition: $249