

Contact the College

Kellie Koons
Office Associate for Continuing Education & Business Services
Hagerstown Community College
Career Programs Building
11400 Robinwood Drive
Room 221-D
Hagerstown, MD 21742
Questions: 240.500.2480
Registration: 240.500.2236

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Workforce Education: eLearning Courses

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eLearning programs Accessible Anytime, Anywhere.


We offer leading workforce education and training programs to students, professionals, trade organizations and employers by providing best-in-class eLearning courses, externship opportunities and related support services.

Through engaging online eLearning programs coupled with one-on-one student support, both new students and seasoned professionals have the ability to complete comprehensive courses in high-demand disciplines and related certifications in every field. Our courses bring together insightful and compelling content presentations as well as constructive exercises and challenging knowledge checks to create an enriching, successful learning experience for students at all levels.

Click “See the Courses” in each section below to see our full list of courses.

Healthcare Certification Programs

As the healthcare industry evolves, certification in various fields is becoming more and more imperative. Healthcare professionals at all levels – whether new entrants to the field or seasoned professionals – require training and certification in order to ensure they have the most up-to-date skills in the latest healthcare technologies and for employers to ensure their staff have been successfully evaluated by an independent certifying body. Our best-in-class Healthcare Certification Programs prepare students not only for work in these fields so they’ll be ready from day one on the job, but also ensure they have the study tips, practice tests and course materials necessary for success on the certification exams. With an extensive catalog of Healthcare Certification Programs aimed at both novices and trained professionals, these courses can help ensure you have the credentials necessary for the future of healthcare delivery. See the Courses…


Healthcare Courses

The healthcare industry is changing at a rapid pace. Education and certification requirements on both new and existing roles necessitates the ability to learn time-trusted concepts by utilizing and accessing the medical innovations of today. These courses are here to provide students with the necessary skills and support to meet these growing needs. Offering an extensive catalog of Healthcare Certification Programs aimed at both new entrants to the field and trained professionals, these courses can help ensure you have the skills necessary for the future of healthcare delivery. See the Courses…


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